
How will these Ascended Master energies work with me?
How is a Lightarian Ray different from meditating with these Ascended Masters?
How does the Lightarian Ray Program fit into the overall process of global, human transformation?
What happens once I enroll?
What is the overall understanding of the Lightarian Rays?
Tell me more about the Empowerment Ray with Ascension Master Maitreya?
Tell me more about the Clearing Ray with Ascended Master El Moyra?
Tell me more about the Healing Ray with Ascended Master Buddha?
Tell me more about the Activation Ray with Ascended Master Sananda?
Tell me more about the Manifestation Ray with Ascended Master St. Germain?
Tell me more about the Source Ray with Universal Source?
What can I expect after my attunements?
What is a client session?
What people are saying...
Cleared the Gunk Away!
I would like to say that these (Lightarian) Rays and attunements have helped me a lot. It was difficult at first, and took some time to clear a lot of "gunk" away, but it was well worth it. I never want to choose the past over what I can do now and have achieved. It's not over (I know it's never over. hehe), but I've come a long way with the assistance of the energies, masters and angels. I'm happy with the changes that these Rays initiated and do. Thank you for your part too. - B.V, Canada
Change in Consciousness
Just wanted to thank the Lightarian Institute for the wonderful Attunements that are being offered. I recently received the Empowerment, Clearing and Activation Rays and will be going forward with the rest of the Rays and Sourcelink with my teacher. The teachings and attunements have been very powerful and profound and have created a change in consciousness that is quite wonderful. For example, with the E-Ray, I experienced great peace and a calm mind for days after the attunement and even some detox symptoms as well (an old illness emerged which is clearing out as of this writing). These Attunements are certainly a blessing and a great gift to receive and give to others. Thanks and may this work continue and be received by all who are ready. - S.D. New York, USA
Cumulative Transformation from Within
The biggest grace of the Lightarian program, I think, is the cumulative energy that so transforms a person from within, that they learn to trust themselves and their own program of development, rather than seeking to give away their power and learning to others.. - A. G. Illinois, USA
The Sky Dance for Me
My mother received the second Ray of El Morya (Clearing Ray) and believe me, that was a wonderfull experience that I will always stay in my "own memories." What a gift we both received! I must tell you that the Lightarian Rays was a wonderfull experience for me, I’m not enough good in English to be able to find the good words but each time, I love to say something like "the Sky dance for me"… and my feeling is, I realise that I want and I need to be a Lightarian for the rest of my Life. - S.B. in Canada
An Awakening
"When I started the [Lightarian Clearing] program I realized my soul was calling for an awakening to re-discover to a deeper level of self-Love. My life, mission and purpose was to awaken many to a higher consciousness of Love and "light". And this is what happen"! A.S. USA
Clarity of Emotions, Mind and Spirit
"Pattern changed after the attunement and healing was most important as the law of the universe is change. It was time to leave any feelings of victimization behind and let go. Through the transformation of deeply rooted patterns, I accelerated my ability to create through Divine inspiration. The Lightarian Clearing Program helped me to bring clarity of my emotions, mind and spirit". H.B. CANADA
Important Healing Tool
"Personally and professionally I have found the Lightarian Clearings to be a very important healing tool at this time of great change. I believe that Ascended Master El Morya's attunements touch into our old emotional baggage, so that we can finally begin to feel it, heal it, and fully release it, so we can then bring more love, joy, and peace into our lives. This program is truly a gift to humanity! Thank you"! N.H. USA
Wonderfully Clearing and Cleansing
"Oh thank you so much for all of these beautiful (Lightarian) attunements. I cannot begin to tell you the effect ALL the attunements have had on my life, and the most profound effects as well as with all the people that are being attuned here - and there are many. The benefits are beyond words and the light is certainly spreading here in Africa".

Intense laser-like Clearings to advance vibrationally
The Lightarian Clearings go step-by step to intentionally transform at the cellular and energetic levels.

How is the Lightarian Clearings different from meditating with Ascended Master El Morya?
Tell me more about Clearing Level 1 - Life Path with Ascended Master El Moyra
Tell me more about Clearing Level 2 - Birth Pattern Removal with Ascended Master El Moyra
Tell me more about Clearing Level 3 - Template Clearing with Ascended Master El Moyra
Tell me more about Clearing Level 4 - Attachment Removal with Ascended Master El Moyra
Tell me more about Clearing Level 5 - Lineage Clearing with Ascended Master El Moyra
Tell me more about Clearing Level 6 - Veil Removal with Ascended Master El Moyra
What can I expect after my attunements?
What happens once I enroll?
What is a client session?
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