Lightarian Attunement Map

Interested in the full path now? 

Explore our Accelerated Approach. 

We offer all of the programs below, plus another, in ONE series.

Learn More about each program below... 

Survival to Thriving

The AngelLinks begin your journey with the Angels in such a profound and loving way.  A perfect energetic foundation for the Lightarian journey. 

Programming Removed, Transformed, and Reorganized

Work with Ascension Master Maitreya, Ascended Masters El Moyra, Buddha, Sananda, St. Germain, and Source to ascend vibrationally, stepping closer to Higher Self Descension.

Cellular Ascension to 

Higher Self Descension

Lightarian Reiki is for Usui Reiki Masters to welcome Higher Vibrations of the Buddhic Spectrum of Reiki.  

Cellular Ascension to

Higher Self Descension

For those on an accelerated spiritual journey but not a Reiki Master path, the Ascension Bands create a pathway to work profoundly with Ascended Master Buddha. 

New Operating System Downloading

Align with the Seraphim as they up-level your energetic Self and prepare for the advanced Lightarian Gateway program.

Intense laser-like Clearings to advance vibrationally

The Lightarian Clearings go step-by-step to intentionally transform on a cellular and energetic level.  

Expansion of New Operating System

Continue the work with the Seraphim and welcome the Master ET's. This program builds upon the AngelLinks, Purification Rings, and either Lightarian Reiki or the Ascension Bands. 

Group Consciousness Foundation

If received after the Gateway program, these Archangels build upon the work of the AngelLinks to engage us dynamically with group consciousness.  If received directly after the AngelLinks, the angels continue working to lay the foundation which best supports us in our journey of self to Self.  

Group Consciousness Expansion

The Ray Extensions can only be received after all programs listed before. The Ascended Masters step us through dynamic, energetic playtime which expands our abilities to engaging in our New World and experiencing a core feeling of happiness.   

Become a Full Anchor of Light

Partnering with the Web of Light, resulting in the immersion of the Stream of Divine Consciousness. 

All images and text are copyright-protected. No use without permission from the Lightarian Institute, LLC.