Our Mission
The Lightarian Institute is an educational and training organization that focuses on connecting Lightworkers with the energies of the Celestial Realms in order to support their personal ascension process...which in turns impacts the spiritual transformation that is taking place on Earth.
The Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation was established in 1997 by Jeannine Marie and Christopher Jelm. They gifted the Lightarian Institute with their extensive background in the field of personal energetic development, especially regarding the five fundamental spiritual processes of self-empowerment, clearing, healing, activation and manifestation. The Jelms anchored Lightarian® Reiki, Lightarian® Clearings, Lightarian® AngelLinks and Lightarian® Rays. All incredibly powerful and an important and amazing foundation for the Lightarian® journey. Â
In 2006, the Lightarian Institute was transferred to Peggy Zeramby as its Managing Director and Lead Facilitator. She has been participating with the Institute and its modalities from its inception in 1997. In March 2011, along with Jodi Zeramby, Peggy anchored and launched the advanced program gifted to us by the Seraphims entitled the Lightarian® Purification Rings. In December 2012, the Ascension Bands were added as a result of Ascended Master Buddha insisting upon a program to work with those that were not on a Reiki path. In June of 2017, the Gateway program was introduced. The AngelLink Extensions and Ray Extensions were added in 2019 and 2021. Gaia's Grid, the final Lightarian® attunement program was launched in 2022 with amazing results. Now that the Lightarian® attunement journey has been fully anchored, the Lightarian Institute has been working behind the scenes to build a community of talented and advanced practitioners to continue their own Self evolution and to serve the planet. Â

Peggy Zeramby stepped into her role as Managing Director of the Lightarian Institute in January 2006. She has participated with the Institute and its modalities from its inception in 1997. As a child, she experienced 'knowings,' receiving messages in her dreams and experiencing empathic sensations. Blessed through the encouragement she received to develop her clairvoyancy and clairaudiency, she entered her adult years on a strong launching pad for personal development. She was well on her way to becoming a conscious channel and creating her own base of spirituality. Allowing the Angels and Ascended Masters to work through her is a very natural process. It is what makes her heart sing and allows for truth and clarity to come forth through her work.
Over the years, she has had a deep and rich experience with the Lightarian energies. Peggy brings an extensive background through her experience in metaphysical and alternative healing modalities. She has worked in the corporate environment and has also been a business entrepreneur over the years. In addition, Peggy has developed and conducted various Reiki modality classes and advanced energy workshops. As the Institute’s Lightarian® Reiki, Lightarian® Rays, Lightarian® Clearings, Lightarian® AngelLinks, the Lightarian® Ascension Bands, and the following Lightarian® advanced Purification Rings, Gateway, AngelLink Extensions, Lightarian Ray Extensionsand Gaia's Grid, she works with students and clients around the globe and is dedicated to sharing the highest vibrational energies of the Angels and Masters in the most direct and effective ways.Â
Peggy is a Reiki Master for Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki® and Lightarian® Reiki. She is also a Nationally Certified Therapeutic Massage Therapist, a second level CranioSacral Therapist, a Certified Feng Shui consultant, and an Advanced Energy Teacher, bringing many tools to the table to support each person's individual process. In addition to her energy classes, Peggy has delivered professional clairvoyant/clairaudient sessions for almost 30 years and teaches Channeling classes. She sees with a discerning eye what others do not in order to guide her clients regarding what programs to release; through this process she facilitates the expansion of divine Light in their lives.Â
If you are guided to receive the Lightarian® modalities directly from the Institute, Peggy would serve as your Master Facilitator. All of her sessions/trainings are joyfully provided via zoom or remotely. Contact Peggy Send Email or by calling 520/481-2791.
Jodi Zeramby became the Secretary/Treasurer and board member of the Lightarian Institute in August 2006. Since that time, she has served in a variety of capacities. Acting as facilitator of the Licensee program, she has worked closely with Licensees by editing translated manuals from all over the world. In addition, she often provides administrative support, interacting with Lightarian facilitators to support them as they share the Lightarian programs globally.
Jodi Zeramby had a rich history of interacting with the metaphysical community before finding her way to the Lightarian Institute. As a natural intuit, Jodi brings spiritual awareness to all she does. In addition to her role as a Lightworker, Jodi is an author, attorney, and educator. With her education and skills, Jodi offers a practical outlook to the Lightarian modalities. As an educator, she provides her professional knowledge to the Lightarian Attunement programs, retreats, and monthly membership. Jodi has primarily worked behind the scenes; however, when you see her name appear, you'll feel her energies supporting yours.
Jodi offers a practical outlook to the Lightarian modalities. Her strength lies in her ability to communicate complex ideas in an understandable, beneficial way. If you feel drawn toward her to facilitate any of the Lightarian modalities, do not hesitate to contact her.
Contact Jodi Send Email or by calling the Lightarian Institute's main number or her direct number at 520/239-6855.