Important Note:

Is it okay to use a Chi Ball or Ch’i Ball when facilitating Lightarian® Program Attunements?


No, the Lightarian® programs are to be facilitated through the Lightarian Guided Meditation which is provided in each manual. This ensures that the Lightarian® attunement is anchored fully in a sacred way. Through the decades, we have found that those who receive the attunements via the Lightarian® Guided Meditations experience the fullness of the attunement which creates the sacred space for the teacher-student relationship to be deeply anchored in a meaningful way.

The Chi Ball format is not be to used with any Lightarian® programs.

Use of the Lightarian® Name and Information

Use of Lightarian® Name and Information
We are frequently asked about how the Registered Lightarian® Teacher/Facilitators around the globe can use the information shown on the Lightarian Institute’s website and contained in the manuals and booklets for their own advertising and promotion activities. The following puts forth this information:
1) Information from the Lightarian® Website
The website information can be used to develop your own wording for your own websites and promotional materials. When you do so, any major "word-for-word" excerpts should be identified as sourced from the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation or Lightarian Institute, LLC. You must always use the ® symbol where appropriate and identify the work as "Trademark of the Lightarian Institute."
2) The use of the "Client Information" from the Lightarian® Ray and Clearing Manuals
As mentioned in the Ray and Clearing training manuals, this information is for your own clients, and you are free to make direct copies of those specific pages from the Manuals. One important note: the Client Information that we provide is a very comprehensive treatment of the aspects of the work that we feel a client should read before receiving a Ray attunement. However, there may be situations where you would like to adapt the material, perhaps simplifying it if you wish, in order to develop your own wording for particular clients of your own. Again, any major "word-for-word" excerpts need to be identified as sourced from the Lightarian Institute.
3) For the use of the text from any of the Lightarian® AngelLinks, Lightarian® Rays, Lightarian® Clearings, Lightarian® Reiki, Lightarian® Ascension Bands, Lightarian® Purification Rings®, Lightarian® Gateway, Lightarian® AngelLink Extensions, and Lightarian® Ray Extensions Manuals
For these proprietary materials, permission is not granted to take any content from the Lightarian™ Manuals for publicity purposes. The details in the Lightarian® manuals are strictly for students, except for any of the "Client Information" pages from the Rays or Clearings manuals, as mentioned above. Of course, all of the Lightarian® manuals are copyright materials of the Lightarian Institute, LLC. and are not to be duplicated.
4) Institute's Logo
Permission is not granted to anyone to use the Lightarian Institute's logo (the graphics of a globe and the Lightarian Institute's name). As independent contractors, each Teacher operates freely and apart from the Lightarian Institute.  For example, when a Teacher provides a certificate to their personal students, the Teacher should use their own name or business name on the certificates. 
5) Use of Lightarian® as a business name
As a registered teacher of the Lightarian® modalities, teachers are able to create a business which offers Lightarian modalities, even if that is all they offer. However, a Lightarian school or use the word/name "lightarian" as a business name is strictly prohibited. "Lightarian" is a unique name created and owned by the Lightarian Institute, LLC.
We trust that these comments are helpful for you regarding the possible uses of the Lightarian programs on your website and manual materials. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Lightarian Institute for clarification. 

Manual Orders: 

English eManuals: Contact our US Office of the Lightarian Institute at The eManuals are designed for those teachers who work via distance. If you are conducting in-person classes, you will want to order the standard paper manuals.

Please contact your Licensee from the list below.

To Order Lightarian Manuals 
You must be properly registered with the Institute in the modality/level for which you are ordering materials. Please locate your country of residence below. Then click for details about ordering directly from the Institute or click on the email address for the Licensee in your country.




and all other countries not specifically listed below

Lightarian Institute: Email our office for simple instructions for ordering your training materials.  Send Email  



The Americas...All countries in Central America and South America

Monica Cristina Guberman at


Mariëlle Aardoom at 


Nicole Gosselin for French at 


Ana Kubla at 


Evie Deria at   


Elisabetta Migliarin Elliott at


Yuko Okamoto at


Mariëlle Aardoom at 


Regardless of your country of residence, please check directly with the Licensee shown below for translated versions of the Lightarian materials in the languages shown...(paper version only)




Ana Kubla at 


Mariëlle Aardoom at


Nicole Gosselin at 

Indonesian Language

Evie Deria of Griya Saraswati at


Elisabetta Migliarin Elliott at


Yuko Okamoto at


Monica Raza at

Lightarian Registration Procedures

Lightarian Registration Procedures...

What does the Lightarian Registration Process do for the Teacher and Student?

  • Completes the training and attunement process for the Lightarian energy work
  • Strengthens the relationship between the Student and Teacher 
  • Properly validates the Student as a new teacher with the Lightarian Institute
  • Enhances the commitment on the part of all involved to authentically promote and deliver the Lightarian energy work
  • Allows new Teachers to facilitate the Lightarian program to their own students
  • Allows new Teachers to purchase their own Training Manuals (from the Institute or its authorized International Licensees) for their own Students
  • And most importantly, maintains the integrity of the Lightarian programs.

Two ways for a Lightarian Teacher to register a Student:
[1] For a first-time Student, a printed Registration Form (included in the Manual for the modality) is to be:

[a] Filled out and signed by the Student...then
[b] sent by the Student to the Teacher for signing...then
[c] forwarded by the Teacher to the Lightarian Institute*
NOTE: Full instructions are included on the Registration Form itself.

[2] For all subsequent attunement/trainings received by the newly registered Student, registration is still required; however, no additional signed Forms are needed. Please do not send information for later attunements before forwarding the first attunement information. If your standard alphabet is not similar to English, please use the font named “Times New Roman” or “Arial”, point 12 or larger.

Registration information is through a simple notification (via e-mail, mail, or fax *) and should include....

[a] the Student's name,
[b] the Student's email address,
[c] the particular modality delivered,
[d] the date of the attunement** and
[e] the Teacher's name.

** TIME REQUIRED BETWEEN ATTUNEMENTS for each Lightarian program:

Lightarian® Reiki............................................21 days
Lightarian® Ascension Bands......................21 days
Lightarian® Rays.............................................7 days
Lightarian® Clearings.....................................7 days
Lightarian® AngelLinks..................................0 days
Lightarian® Purification Rings......................7 days
Lightarian® Gateways....................................7 days
Lightarian® AngelLink Extensions................0 days
Lightarian® Ray Extensions...........................7 days

NOTE: The manuals mention the ability to facilitate the attunements outside of these timeframes. That option would be for the rare individual. If the time frame is reduced between a student's attunement, an explanation from the teacher must be submitted before the registration will be recorded.

All images and text are copyright-protected. No use without permission from the Lightarian Institute, LLC.