Ascension Quest - Peggy Zeramby, Lightarian Institute
Interviewed by Kathleen Garrett, Temple of the Drum
Hello, hello, we are back again for the Ascension quest. And today's conversation is
navigating life's challenges with spirit guides. And Kathleen Garrett is here with me from
Temple of the Drum. And we are going to delve into do we even have spirit guides? Who are
they? What are they about? And are they really here to help us?
Hello, Kathleen. Hi, I have so many questions for you. Yeah, I love questions. I love
questions. Um, awesome. What are your questions? Well, the first one is, of course, what
are spirit guides? What or who are they? Yeah. Spirit guides, are without a human body,
right? They are on the other side of the veil, if you will.
And they are here to help us navigate our day-to-day lives. Many times we might be in the
midst of all of the muck and we can't even see what's ahead or what's going on or what's
the best course of action to take. And our spirit guides can. Give us that help. They see
things from a bird's eye view, and they are very much wanting to help us navigate this crazy
human journey that we are on. How many spirit guides does each person have? Oh, um,
well, you know what? I can't even tell you that because every person is going to be different
and even at different points of their journey. As we are born into our human body we have a
collective, spirit guide team that works with us , and helps us .
As we go through the, experience of our life and the different phases, some of those guides.
backup and allow room for new guides to come in or new guides to even add into the mix
for more assistance that you might be asking for. So for me, whenever I am looking to do a
new I will, ask for whichever guides would be best to support me on actualizing that
So sometimes my team will go ahead and invite in a new team member to work with me on
a temporary basis for that project. So with that, I'll have an added team member for my
spirit team that is working with me. And of course, when we're small, we come in, we have
our, our team working with us.
And then over time that changes and evolves because we change and evolve. So as we
increase our personal vibration, our Higher self will descend into our body a bit more and
we evolve into who we are meant to be. And in that process, new team members will come
in, new spirit guides will come in. So many people will feel like they have some angels or
some ancestors or, ascended masters, or even just a high vibration being hopefully that is
helping them from the other side.
You said that our higher selves descend into us more and more. Would that be that part of
us be considered a spirit guide as well. I personally don't consider that a spirit guide for
me, my perception is that a spirit guide is not part of our own energetic self eventually if you
keep going up and this is a, for another podcast, if you keep going up your energetic line,
will your spirit guides also be part of that same spirit family, that same spirit vibration, it's
very likely, yet when we're talking about the vibration that we're in, in this human body and
the vibrations between us and our higher self and between us and parts of our being that
are descending.
I would say that a spirit guide would be outside of that vibrational awareness. Can anybody
communicate with their spirit guides, or do they have to have special abilities. Yeah, so in
my science of channeling class that I teach, I go through this, where I talk about how. It's
much like playing the piano, right?
When somebody, , there are some people that are geniuses and they're just, they're born
with that innate ability to play the piano. They arrive to the piano and they just start playing
and it sounds amazing and beautiful. And there are others that, can play the piano if they're
taught and they learn and they practice do all of those steps but they still have some talent
inside of them.
Right. And so then there are the other types of people who they have absolutely no talent
whatsoever for the piano and if they worked really hard, and really put in all the effort, could
they eventually start playing the piano. Sure. So there are three types. Right in that
description. And it's the same thing with channeling.
There are some people that just are born channeling fully. They have no barrier between
them and with those that are on the other side. And there are those that end up in classes
like mine, where they might lean into some of those gifts and talents, but they haven't
cultivated them.
And so they come into classes like mine and they cultivate them and they begin to have
those really dynamic conversations with their energetic team. And then even in my class, I
have some people who will come in and they have no, no innate talent whatsoever, like
built into their genes and they come into the class and they learn the skills.
And then typically they also receive attunements, and those attunements will help them
build out that energetic connection inside of them. So we've even had some people who
have No talent whatsoever towards channeling and have never channeled before, but with
the two men's and then the skills that they learn in a class, such as mine, they start to build
out those habits and open up those doorways to the connection with their team.
And then they really do start to have that two-way conversation. And for those people that
might even take a couple of years, but I've seen them do it, which is really amazing. Yeah.
So how do spirit guides communicate with us? There's so many different ways. So, some
people might just have knowings or they might feel a, like a tap on the shoulder or they
might feel inspired to, , take an action. Some people also, , will receive messages like of
numbers 444 222, , those types of messages and many believe that those are angel
messages. Also there's, being able to see images, being able to hear messages, being able
to Feel sensations in your body.
There's so many types of ways that our team will go ahead and communicate with us also
in our dreams. So, when we are sleeping, we are less likely to have those, boundaries up,
right? We're, we're more available for those conversations to happen or the messages to
come through. There are many people who will begin by waking up and say, Oh my God, I
had a dream.
And I highly recommend that you journal the dream, write it down because you'll, you'll
likely find in that process that more comes through to connect with them. Let's say we're
not sure if we've heard from them or we're doubting, but we want to elicit communication
from our end. What would we do? That is very common, when we're first starting out
having those messages come through, we question it. That's a natural human response to
question it in that situation.
I would recommend even being clear with what it is that you think the messages, and then
even asking for confirmation. This is what I understood this message to be. And if this is
correct. Confirm this message is accurate. And so with that you might start to see the
numbers 444111 right as confirmation or you might even have somebody call you up out of
the blue and say, Hey, did you ever Did you know this this and this and there's the
confirmation right so there's ways for messages to be confirmed that it's accurate or even
not maybe you totally did miss the boat and maybe there wasn't something there and it is
your own wishes and your hopes for yourself and you're feeling like I know that's what they
told me because, you know, we're human and we want to have that confirmation.
We can sometimes put our own hopes into those messages so it's especially in the very
beginning. Before you really have confirmation about how it works for you, because every
person is actually going to be different with how the messages come through and where
they feel in their body or how they hear it or if they see it or what what the variables are
going to be for you. So, as you're doing those confirmations it's really helpful because Then,
you know, how did that feel in my body when I was receiving that message and then asking
for confirmation. So then, you know, like, oh, this has happened three times now. And each
time I feel it in my heart center, each time I feel it in my third eye, right? So just pay attention
as you're receiving the messages and how it feels for you.
Do you think it's a good idea to pre-plan maybe, the way they communicate? Suggest
something to them like, if I hear from you, it's going to look like this, or is that a bad idea
because our own desire for connection is going to skew that. I personally would not do that
because it limits.
It becomes so exact. So, when you're asking for clear confirmation, that clear confirmation
can show up in so many ways when you just simply ask for clear confirmation. But if you
ask for, I need my cousin Joey to call me up at 3 33 PM and tell me these exact words, then
I'm going to know that is confirmation. That's a lot of manipulation that needs to happen,
Like you're now limiting it so much that when the clear confirmation could have been
someone completely, you know, at the grocery store, all of a sudden saying the the words
that you know, like you feel it all in your being as clear confirmation. And we've all had those
moments, right? We've all had that, like, Oh, my goodness, I didn't even know that person.
And they just showed up, right? Because there's a process that happens when we are
messengers for the spirit guides as they go ahead. I don't know about you. But I've had
those experiences where I will say something to someone and I'm like, I don't know where
that came from. Where did that come from? Why would I say that?
This is so weird. Like I said that, okay. Okay. And then after a while I've learned like, Oh, it
must've just been like they needed to hear something and I was available and I'm willing to
be a messenger. So that message came through where cousin Joey might not be willing to
be a messenger. So, you're just really limiting yourself. Yeah. How can spirit guides help us
overcome challenges?
I think for me and what I have heard from students is creating clarity when we are inside
that chaos, right? We're inside the emotional baggage of life, and we're bumping up against
other people, and it just creates even more, static all around us and when we open
ourselves up to the purity that the guides can offer us. Then we can welcome that bird's eye
view in that bird's eye view pulls us out of the muck, right, and it allows us to have some
clarity. And for me, that's been super important and most areas of my life through the
decades I've been in this earth plane, where I might have felt overwhelmed. I might've felt I
don't even know which direction to go, which door do I choose? And then when the spirit
guides come in, I might actually see a glow around that door, that symbolic door. And then I
just know, okay, that's the one, that's the one I go through and then things come into
alignment. So they can help you with specific decision making, it sounds like.
Yeah. Especially if they're working with your higher self, right? Your higher self, your
energetic team, whether it be angels or ascended masters or ancestors or even spirit
guides that are animals, right? There can be all of those, beings that come together, that
collaborate with your higher self for your highest and greatest.
Okay. How can we distinguish between our guides and other entities? Well, I don't know
about you, but I have a requirement for my team and they are required to be high vibration
only. And this is what I teach in the class is how to create it, that you only have high
vibration beings.
When you're working with high vibration beings, there is a feeling of being lifted, right? You
feel that you are able to lean into all of the energies and that they Have your best interest at
heart. So what that might feel like is your heart feels very full. Your crown chakra, if you're
even aware of your chakras might feel like a pressure on your head and that there's a
connection there.
You might feel warm and fuzzy, like, Oh, all is well, all is well in my world. When you have
these high vibration beings in versus an entity, an entity is likely going to have the symptoms
of feeling a little bit drained, maybe you're on a wild goose chase and you're being brought
to these different options and you're being played with and toyed with a little bit.
Right. There can be these low vibrations that really just mess with you. And that is, that's
never good. So when you're working with. energetic beings, you do want to make sure that
you are interacting with high vibration beings. It's just like if you went out onto the street,
you're going to bump into people who are good and people who, you know, are maybe not
so and you want to make sure that you are attracting, , all the ones That have your best
interest at heart and they help us heal physically. If we have an ailment, can we call on
them for that? Or is that not really their role that really isn't their role, they might, be able to
offer a direction for. Alignment with some treatment plan or a food choice that is or isn't
working for your body or maybe a new doctor or new pathway forward.
That's more likely their job that they will be doing for you. They are guides, right? They're
guiding you and they're giving you that bird's eye view and that information. So they're there
to give you information. Makes sense. How do spirit guides get chosen for us?
And can we choose our own spirit guides? How do spirit guides get chosen for you? Yeah,
that's more like that alignment piece, right? , we have our goal for what we want to achieve
in this lifetime when we enter our bodies. We then are in alignment with certain beings that
can serve us in those pathways.
There are sometimes spirit guides that have been with us for lifetimes, and they are there
with us again. And maybe we've been with them during their lifetime. And so there's
reciprocity, feelings of family, spirit family, your spirit tribe.
So as I was saying about the alignment piece, when we are realigning ourselves in a new
direction, maybe we're now in our 20s and we are heading out into the world no longer with
our birth family or family of origin, and we are Wanting a new goal, like for ourselves, or
maybe we're at the point where we're starting our chosen family and we want an energetic
team that, that supports all of those dynamics that are in place. So that alignment piece is,
is what would attract certain guides to come forth to support us and help us. Can we
choose? A spirit guide. Absolutely. , in the class I teach for the science of channeling, we
actually choose to work with an ascended master and an angel, and then they become a
very strong guide as they are working with us in the class and guiding us through , the
process of channeling.
We can do that with many ventures that we are doing in our day to day life. If I was Building
out say a website, I would actually ask my energetic team to align me with a being that
could help me figure out that computer language, right? , if I was needing to understand
something that was complicated for me, maybe it was medical record, or maybe it was, ,
how to do a certain, piece of art, right?
I would align myself with a being that would help with that. So could I specifically call forth
a being? Yeah, you can absolutely do that. Okay. And you had mentioned that you have a
science of channeling class. Is that just beginners? Is it all different levels? Can you just
explain a little how it works?
Yeah, it is for those that, have been channeling a little bit, or they haven't at all. And they
want to increase their channeling ability so it's for people who want to increase or begin
their channeling ability. And, in that class, we're meeting an hour a week for six weeks and
I'm giving homework.
So with that homework, it is laying that foundation. It's daily homework. So we're starting
to, create , those habits and to increase that infrastructure inside of us to be able to open
up those conversations with our energetic team. Anyone can learn how to channel. I
mean, that's the thing that I love. Our spirit guides, are here to work with us. , if you're
working with high vibrational beings that are your spirit guides, they need you to be
participating saying, yes, you want their help. Yes. Please come forth.
Can you share with us any of your own personal experiences with your guides? Yeah. So for
me, I always had knowings and even as a small child, I had knowings. And as I went into my
teen years, I would, um, just explore channeling with one of my friends and we would do
tea leaves and we would do card readings and we would go to people to give us readings.
And I began to, Open myself up to all of those possibilities and how to do all of that, how to
do the channeling. And when I was, , in my twenties, I had the opportunity to begin to just
study the channeling over like a two week period. There was like a, um, an intensive period
that I daily was beginning to do that type of exercise with my guides and open myself up to
having a two-way conversation.
And that's when I began to have the clairvoyancy and the clear audience say, I then
received my Reiki attunements. And in that attunement process, my energetic Being my
physical self-started to change because of my attunements or calibration shifts, and there
were low vibration stuff that was releasing from me as I was healing and I was going through
my energetic evolution, if you will, of being Inside my journey.
And then I went to massage school. And when I was in massage school and becoming a
massage therapist, and then all the years of doing massage, I was fully in that space of
feeling the energies in the body. And that's when the clear sentient became very strong in
me, where I would have almost like an, an X ray of the body, uh, superimposed in my body.
And I began to have those types of experiences. So. really what you're hearing as I went
through an evolution, right? I began with just knowings. And then as I was inside my
spiritual journey, playing and exercising and doing the different, um, modalities, I was
inside of practicing the different modalities, the different ways of translating the energies,
Evolved , and more layers came through.
So the clairvoyancy, the clairaudience, now the clairsentiency and the knowing always
being there and feeling the different chakra points. One of my most, um, early profound
stories that I have is when I was At a seance type experience and I had a being that was
more of an entity really. And thankfully I was in a space already that I was working with my
energetic team that they were always creating safe space for me.
Because at that point it wasn't putting my own safety protocols in place like what I teach in
my class, but I, opened myself up and this being jumped in my body, and I felt expanded I
felt like I was now this very, very big, large man. And if anyone knows me personally, like
they know that I'm five feet tall and I'm not a big six footer man and with huge hands and the
person next to me could feel my hand increase in size and was very much surprised by that.
So there was those palpable experiences along my way where I had those as
measurements of rulers of like what, what something might feel like what something would
be okay to do and not okay to do. And like I said, thankfully, my guides were already creating
sacred space and safe space for me.
So, as I played in this arena. Everything was okay for me. , but it's not always for everyone.
And I've had many students come to me that needed to have clearings done and because
they opened themselves up to what might not be, , in highest and greatest good for that
individual. So, then we go through clearings and work with that.
So, in the science of channeling class, I do go through that protocol of how to create that
safe space for yourself, because I think that's really important to do so. And then as far as
the attunement that I was talking about the calibration shifts the evolution, I was talking
about the descension of higher self .
That process happens during a Lightarian attunement journey. And we go through working
with the angels and ascended masters and mastery ET energies we have an accelerated
program that I offer that's a 13-month program.
So that also will be starting in January as well. Thanks for having me on. This was fun.
Thank you always for being here with me, So let me ask you, have you had conversations
with your team?
Yes, I have worked with guides. My husband and I do shamanic healing work. We journey
together. And so what does that feel like when you're doing your journeying? It feels almost
like you're dreaming while you're awake. But you can steer the dream through visualization
and you can start the journey through visualization and then you end up just starting to see
images pop in.
Oh, I didn't ask for that. That's not my imagination. It just popped in. So that's how I
communicate. It's journeying and I'm a very visual person. So that's really helpful for me.
And I started journeying because I don't meditate well, clearing out my thoughts and sitting
quietly with no thoughts whatsoever.
That's just impossible for me. So, I love because it's very visual. Yeah. So it's much like that
dream state that I was talking about where some people in their dreams, they wake up and
they have all of that visualization and all of that messaging. But with what you're doing with
the journeying, there's a participation with that.
And, and like you said, there was that pop in that happens. Um, and you've been doing that
for a couple of years, I know, and you were actually one of the original students in my
science of channeling class. So, I love that you are having that. interaction with your
energetic team and having that communication come through.
So how fun is that? It is very fun actually when they come through and it's a lot of fun.
Awesome. Well, thanks so much for playing with me and being here for the conversation.
Yes. Thanks for having me. It's been great.
Accelerated Program - 13 Month Program:
Science of Channeling:
(c)2024 Peggy Zeramby, Lightarian Institute, LLC. All Parts Reserved.