The Ascension Quest with Peggy Zeramby
Episode 006
Hello. Hello. We are back again. It is me Peggy Zeramby and I am with Kathleen Garrett from the temple of the drum. And we are here to discuss how do I align with my true self? I'm here. Hello. This is a big conversation. Really big conversation. There's so many layers to it. So what questions do you have?
Well, first, what is your true self? Yeah, what is our true self? So many times when we are in the beginning part of our spiritual journey, we are very much hyper aware of our physical self, our emotional self and our mental self and we are. Yeah. Reaching for our spirit self, and as we move through that journey, we start to peel the layers and what doesn't serve and release the muck, and we begin to have a clear, more focused connection with our spiritual self. And in that process, we begin to understand that we are not really the physical, the emotional or the mental, we are our spirit, having this human experience. In that process, we discover our true self. That true self is our spiritual essence that is here in the earth plane, having this experience in our bodies in this earth with all of our spirit tribe. So what does it mean to align with? Your true self from a spiritual perspective. Yeah. And this is part of the conversation I have a lot with students. Where we start off with beginning to understand our chakras and in that part of our energetic physical self, because I actually look at the chakra system and the aura and any part of us that is energetically here in the earth plane as part of our physical self.
It's just kind of the forgotten system of the body. You can Google chakras, and you can see these amazing beautiful images of these different colored vortexes that are in our different centers of our body.
And one of the main ones is the heart center. So when we are operating from our heart center, we are operating from a place of love. And typically when we begin our journey, it's just a normal chakra. And as we do more of the clearing, do more of the transformation of who we are and how we are navigating our day to day life. our heart chakra starts to evolve into the unified heart chakra. Many people on a Lightarian journey with our attunement programs will experience this where they'll have an expansion point in their heart center, where they're beginning to no longer think from their brain. And they're thinking from their heart center and they're using their mental body as a tool.
And as we go through that process, that inner knowing the, the choices that we make are more anchored in clarity. They're anchored in our purpose for who we are and why we're here in the earth plane and even anchored in leaning into experiencing pleasure through our talents and gifts and what we are able to give to others and even receive as a result of the giving.
So with that heart chakra evolution, we are coming from a place of Expansion coming from a place of aligning with our spirit self aligning with our true self as our spirit descends into our body and is now the dominating force behind our choices in our day to day life and no longer the mental body or even the emotional body that might be reacting to our day to day experiences. How can spiritual practices like meditation or prayer Aid in aligning you with your true self. Yeah. In many ways, right? Like if we are imagining being in a state of doing yoga or meditations that are focusing on breath, right. As we're breathing in and breathing out, we're in that place of harmonizing and coming back into balance.
When we're in that place of balance, it quiets the mind --- that mental body, it quiets even the emotional parts of us that are maybe reacting to day-to-day life or our stories. I mentioned yoga and meditating, but there's also walking that you can do. And in that state of doing maybe something like speed walking where you're in a rhythm, it quiets the mental body, it quiets the emotional body, and it activates that part of our brain that is allowing for new ways of operating. And the new way might be being connected to spirit self and allowing for your spiritual body to be more of that focused part of day-to-day life choices.
So as we are doing meditation or yoga or walking or swimming, anything rhythmic like that, we are bringing ourselves into a state of harmonizing with all parts of who we are.
So does aligning with your true self ever end up impacting your relationships? Yeah, absolutely. So when we are in that process at the very beginning of our journey and we're clearing away what does not serve and we're moving forward, we are changing. We are energetically becoming a higher and higher vibration. We are becoming aligned with our true self. Our choices will be different.
Our energetic makeup will be different and what we attract or even repel is going to be different. If you think of it like our programmings are like magnets and it will attract new experiences, and also as we release what no longer serves, those magnets fall away.
And then those relationships that were tied into those magnets either need to become part of another story of who we are, or those relationships fall away. Then also on the flip side of that relationships that maybe were very uncomfortable and challenging have a new opportunity to become better and more improved and more nourishing and enjoyable. And that can happen in beautiful and wonderful ways. That's always exciting. Wonderful. When that happens, journey. To know my own true self. It has been, uh, it has impacted relationships for me, but it was really all rooted in self worth for me because I was tied up in a relationship that I entered into where my self worth was at a lower value and now I've grown and growing and growing and I'm seeing my value and it's like just not matching up.
Um, that's when one change has occurred for me. Yeah. Students share that, and I've had that experience myself. And honestly, I think sometimes, even though it might be sad to have those relationships fall away, but because they were entered into in that low vibration, low self worth, it's a celebration when we're no longer in those types of relationships, right? Many times there's a pause before new relationships come in. There's a release of old relationships that just really do not feel good. Like what you shared about your own story, where it started to just not work anymore. And then we eventually welcome in relationships that are a match for who we are becoming.
Yeah. And I wanted to bring up, um, overcoming fear and resistance. Related to being on a spiritual path because of this very thing, because once you've been on a path for a while, though, this sort of thing does start to happen.
You, you start to not match up. You match up with new people and don't match up with previous people. So I know I have experienced being resistant to moving forward on my path because I just wasn't ready for any more change. Like, okay, just, just let me take a break here. So is there, do you have any suggestions for overcoming fear and resistance?
When you're already on your path and you've maybe had some adjustments to make, you're like, ah, what else like, but you're just worried now. So what do you do? I think, what I'm hearing you ask is when you're on a journey, such as a spiritual journey, and you are releasing what no longer serves that what you're releasing comes up into your energy field and is very active for a while as it transforms and lets go. In that moment there's so much change happening, right? There's just so much change. And then you are wanting to just have some status quo for a while before you go to that next phase.
The beautiful part that I love about a Lightarian journey is that at the very beginning we are doing what we just talked about where we're dredging up what doesn't serve we're inside of that. It's almost like excavating. If we look at it like a real estate property. The house needs a new foundation and the house needs some walls to be torn down and a new roof.
And we're looking at the yard needing French drains installed for drainage because it's just a swampland out there. Right. If we're looking at that symbolically, and we are working on creating that new foundation -- we're working on bringing in those beautiful surfaces inside the home.
At first we're working on the excavation part. Then in that second phase of a Lightarian journey we're starting to bring in that new operating system. So maybe we're now building out an extension to that home and creating more space, and raising the roof, if you will.
Energetically being symbolic, we're giving more space and more beauty. Maybe we're bringing in new types of flooring and things that really make our hearts sing, right? In the third phase, we're now bringing in all of the bells and whistles. As we're moving through that, it can be emotionally overwhelming at different points. And so it, it can be beneficial to have those breaks, have those integrations to have those support systems in place. So as we're in that place of fear of like, Oh boy, what's next I'm in this evolution, but I also know that I'm needing to release stuff.
And that can be really challenging. It can be. So what do we do? We have support systems in place. We have the energetic beings that really help us. We talk about techniques that you can use in order to move through those moments in a really beautiful way. For our accelerated program I'm creating sacred containers and supporting the individual in that way. For those that are not on a Lightarian journey you can still go ahead and do those types of support systems --- speed walking, meditation, yoga, journaling, bringing in that awareness of coming to that heart space, that heart chakra, and bringing the mental body to a place of non dominance Many times if we're in a fear place, we're in that fight and flight, and we're totally, in a mental body, emotional body dictatorship. So we can go ahead and say, Oh, okay, we're there.
That's okay. But let's go ahead and breathe through and bring our awareness to our energetic self, our heart center, which will be then connected to our true self. And so to get into that heart space so that you can reconnect. And just sort of take a breath.
It sounds like it's okay to sometimes take a break. You're not going backwards.
It's always important to have those integration moments and we can definitely take a break are there any success stories of individuals or even yourself that have gained alignment with their true self? Yeah, for me, I would share the experience of going through my journey in my early years I was developing my channeling skills. I was developing my alignment with client skills.
I was a massage therapist. So I was in that space of, being self employed and bumping up against myself and all of who I am and all of my fears and all of my shoulds from my own genetic line, my own environmental experience of growing up. And as I was going through my journey between my twenties and my thirties, and then even going into my forties, I was going through the process of collecting and stepping into all of who I am. So even when I was working at a spa or working in corporate America or being a foster parent and going to the courts and doing all of the case meetings that I had to go through. And so even in all of those moments, I was being challenged.
And I was being given the opportunity to keep coming back to coming from my heart space. Using my mental body for learning new skills and taking in information so that I could be in that place of just coming from my heart.
For example, when I was a foster parent and I would see sit in the courtroom, I had my own preconceived hopes and wishes and thoughts and my own shoulds of what could and should happen for the case that I was in the courtroom for, I also would be in that heart space of cheering on the different parties, like knowing that everyone needed to be supported in that space. Everyone needed to have the resources given to them in order for highest and greatest to come out of those situations. So with the case of being a foster parent, I'm at home taking care of those children that were put in my care. And I arrive at a court hearing and knowing the story behind what has happened in this family, and also still cheering on that the birth parents had full on legal representation that they received all of what they needed in order to fight for their children to be returned to them like sitting there and in hoping that the judge would be very compassionate and very smart as well to be able to see all of the information that's being presented to them, because they are needing to make decisions that are impacting so many people's lives.
That was decades ago, and I was definitely in that mid part of my spiritual journey. I had my own fears. I had my own hopes and desires and, you know, The, the wants of it, but my spirit, my true self was so strong that it kept on having me come back to my heart center, wanting to have that compassion given to all parties, wanting that love to be wrapped around the children that were put in my care for that temporary period of time and having highest and greatest come from that.
Well, it sounds like always coming back to a heart centered place. Yeah. Coming from a position of love versus a position of fear, that sounds like the key. And maybe your mental body is what is your little tool to remind you to go back. Which really leads me into, talking about maintaining this alignment because life has challenges and distractions and we are still emotional, even if we are connected with our highest most self, our truest self, like we're still human. So we have emotions, and things just happen in life. So, I'm wondering about just, how to maintain, like once you've reached that point in your spiritual journey, where you do feel so connected, and you feel that you're always connected to compassion, like that's always your choice, that's always your first choice.
Because you are a heart centered person when you're, when you're connected with your truest self. When life's challenges and distractions happen and you kind of get bumped out of that, how do you, how do you slip back in? Is it as simple as just reminding yourself to, to be heart centered? Sometimes you don't feel like being heart centered.
If you're, if you're very angry, let's say maybe it's not easy to slip back into that heart centered place. Yeah. So a couple of things there, like if you are feeling anger, that's definitely a, an indication that something is off balance, right? When we are in that place of being heart centered. And we do that over and over and over again, that creates a memory in our body that creates a feeling of, wow, this feels really good. So when we are in our moments of not feeling great, being upset, being frustrated-- you know, just like life is not fair and I can't believe that this just happened again to me, right?
Like whatever those feelings might be. That all doesn't feel good, right? It just does not feel like you want to stay there. So that can be a motivating place. So the trick is to create enough moments in your day to-day experiences where you are feeling that goodness, feeling that heart centered place so when you are pulled into the life is not fair and I can't believe this is happening again.
There's a memory like, Oh, this does not feel good. And my normal that I am choosing is heart centered. My normal that I'm choosing is being connected to my true self and eventually being my true self here in the earth plane. That it is full on that you are your true self and the mental body and the emotional body are demoted as tools.
So the first step really is to create a ritual so that you are over and over again, being in your heart centered place so that when you need to be having the feeling of, Oh, this doesn't feel good. This feels not normal. This feels unusual that you're wanting to go to your new normal, your chosen normal.
Right. Yeah, that makes so much sense. So are there any resources, um, or practices that you recommend to, to help with this? I know the Lightarian Institute has programs that I have used myself and it has transformed my life. So is there, is there a good starting point, I guess? Yeah, the AngelLinks are always a good starting point.
So if you are interested in doing something like a Lightarian journey, you can, step into the accelerated program and do a 13 month, five, nine week intensives. You can go all in -- both feet in. And if that feels like too much right now, then start with the AngelLinks and even the Rays. You can do those two attunement programs together, or you can just do one and begin there are because with the AngelLinks, you'll start that foundation. Remember I talked about that home and they're needing to be a new foundation. So the AngelLinks will begin that foundation and the Rays will begin the peeling away of all that does not serve and stepping into that excavated site and beginning to pull away all that just does not serve you and your desire to be connected to your true self.
The other thing is you can always do meditations for yourself. You can do the walking, right? Get out and walk. You can take yoga, do tai chi, do any of those self centering type of practices that bring you into that inner calm we are all seeking, that feeling of goodness. Setting that new normal.
Set a timer on your phone or on your computer that at least once a day or even a couple of times a day, you tune into your heart space and you do some deep breathing, breathing in, breathing out very simple, it can take all of 60 seconds where you're breathing in, and you're becoming aware of your heart center, and that can be so. instrumental to creating an anchor for that feeling of goodness so that when you are in those moments of not feeling good because of day-to-day life, you already have that pull to go back to that anchor and come from that place of your heart center.
So homework would be setting a timer A few times a day, a couple of times a day, whatever works for you and just taking a moment and doing some deep breathing and bringing your awareness to your heart center. So at first you might not be able to feel your heart center as an energetic place. That's okay.
Don't put any pressure on yourself. Just bring yourself into that place of feeling love, feeling unconditional love. And just be in that space. Makes sense.
I had a new norm for myself, which was coming from a higher place, like a heart centered place, and even though my friend is very generous, she's still coming from a place of lack. Yeah. It was overwhelming, and it didn't feel good. It didn't feel like we were not in alignment anymore. And it registered at a conscious level for the first time, versus just being uncomfortable and not really knowing why, like not being able to put it into words.
I was far enough in my own development that I could, like, it, it just sort of clicked, like, oh, this is the, this is the feeling of lack here, and I am not participating in that. That's why this doesn't feel good to me. That's why I'm uncomfortable right now here in this space. Whereas I used to be either comfortable or maybe a little uncomfortable, but I didn't even know why and I just ignored it.
Now I like, at that last time I, I could recognize it, put words to it. And make a choice about it. And, and I've just made a, like a life choice to not be in lack. Yeah. And in having that awareness of, wow, even though it's always been about generosity, where is that generosity anchored?
Right. And you were inside that emotional energetic space and it immediately went like, boom, this is anchored in lack. Yeah. Yeah. And it no longer felt comfortable because you know, you're just not in that space anymore. And we go through that releasing, releasing, releasing, and then just coming into a place of awareness and I'm sure you flooded that whole experience with so much love and so much appreciation because I know who you are. Thank you. Yeah. So awesome.
All right. Well, you have your homework. Make sure you set those timers and be aware of your heart center and that feeling of unconditional love. And if you do have any questions about any of our programs, feel free to reach out [email protected] is my email address, and I'm happy to respond to your questions.
Thanks for having me. Thank you.
(c) 2025 Peggy Zeramby, Lightarian Institute, LLC
All rights reserved.