The Ascension Quest with Peggy Zeramby
Episode 007 - The Soul's Blueprint: Understanding Soul Contracts Part 1
?Hello. Hello. We are back again with Kathleen Garrett from the Temple of the drum, and we are going to delve into soul contracts. Are you ready? I am so excited about talking about this today. So if you could explain what are soul contracts for those who might not be familiar with that concept. it essentially is a contract at the soul level. So even if we understand what a contract is in our day-to-day life, we enter contracts all the time.
Maybe it's a business contract, contract with the bank for a mortgage or a lease, or anything upon those types of contracts. There are agreements that are made. You enter into them with an outcome in mind. You enter into them with the knowing that you will need to follow a pathway, follow some rules of engagement and the other parties will as well.
And so we have that understanding from day-to-day life of what a contract is. So if we apply that to. knowing what a soul might enter into before birth. This is something that happens before we enter our human bodies. Our soul is coming in and thinking, why am I coming? What is the purpose of this lifetime for me and for my energetic tribe, if you will.
If I am entering a body that will have siblings, a parent group that I've already had lifetimes with before or maybe it is in a region where there will be friend connections that will align as I am going through my childhood. Maybe it is something that we are coming in to establish being a catalyst for change. Sometimes we call these people disruptors. Maybe they're coming in to break those patterns that generation upon generation has been in place and it has yet to evolve or get to that next level in that family line. As the soul comes into their human body, they already have an outcome that they're looking to achieve. We're already having a rough blueprint of what it is that we are anticipating that we will achieve or work to collaborate with others, to create momentum shifts, to create new outcomes and to even maybe resolve some past soul experiences that need a human experience to break through energetic bundles of vibrations. To dissolve. To go to that next level of advancement. We also still have free will. As I said, it was a rough blueprint, right? Free will is an accelerator for all of what we are doing in this earth body. As we go into our blueprint as we engage with these contracts we are. having that opportunity to fully step into those contracts and actualize those outcomes, or sometimes we have detours and we struggle with it and there's delay after delay. And that's when we might feel frustrated. We might feel like we're not completing what it is that we are meant to do. There might be that feeling of dissatisfaction inside of ourselves.
And we might not even know what is causing it. Sometimes when we are inside these soul contracts, sometimes we have full knowing and then most of the time we are going blind and we might realize the importance of a relationship after we've already completed what it is that we are inside of that blueprint to achieve.
So I was thinking about what you said with free will being an accelerator. So I can see how that would work from a higher perspective. Like it is an accelerator for this upcoming lifetime that we're about to step into because it creates a blueprint. So with free will we say I want to accomplish this and I'm going to make sure I have in place. This scenario and this person, and this is this person's going to play a role. But once we're here, and we don't know all that, we are like flying blind, like you just said. In my own experience, it seems like free will here in this human form has hindered me probably a little bit, it's because I feel like I'm pushing up against certain scenarios that are probably in place on purpose to help me, but I don't know, I don't know all the details behind them. I push against them because they're very uncomfortable.
And I just want life to be easier so I can see how free will can act as a deterrent for progress in a way, and also speed up progress, but like, when you don't know that contract is even there or you maybe you sense it but you don't understand it, or why it's there, it can really, at least for me, stall progress sometimes.
Yeah. You raised a good point like sometimes we sense it, but we don't really understand it fully, or we we feel it we're in that sensing period. And. It feels like an important interaction or relationship, and it might even feel frustrating as I said before, because we just don't understand the importance of it.
We feel the importance but we don't understand the importance. Yeah. And That's this is where we get into developing our inner connection, which we've been talking about in other podcasts where we connect in with our heart center, we connect in with our own inner knowing. our own experience of communication with our true self.
And that helps so much as we go through it. With the Lightarian work, we're layering so many things. It's not just a one pathway and we're doing one thing. We are In one pathway, we're layering so many of the skills so that we can have that best experience forward. And so with this, we are layering in some of that channeling experience or some of the knowing experience, connecting in with our heart chakra or connecting in with our true self, with our communication of what is aligned and what feels right and oh yes I'm going in the right direction. That type of experience really is super helpful when we are going blind we need to look for those cues. What feels good. Do I feel it in my soul? Do I feel it in my solar plexus? Do I feel it in my heart chakra?
Do I feel an activation in my crown chakra? These are some of the things that I feel as I'm going through. Did I always feel this? No. But as time has gone on, I've layered those skills and I've put them in place so that I can navigate with the ability to take in that information input So as we're layering all of those skills, we are giving ourselves an opportunity for that bird's eye view that we lean into with our energetic team. And we start to be able to have that experience here in our physical self.
When I was born into my body, I actually have awareness of a good amount of my blueprint at this point being in my 50s. And I now know, like when I chose the family that I came into, why I chose them. And I'm so grateful for that and the area of the world that I chose to come into and the people that were already in place. And aligned with me with where I was going to meet them at certain points of my development. So for me, I was born in Massachusetts and Boston, and I was the youngest of five kids. All of my sisters went to Public school in Boston at the time where they were bussing kids into different neighborhoods to create a diversity, and it created a lot of disruption and many families lives at that point. My mother chose to send me to private school so here I was the youngest of five, really the only one that went to Private school from the very beginning, all through my education from elementary school up through high school.
One other sister went to middle school and high school for private school, but we were the only two, the rest all went to public schools right there. I had a whole different experience, right? I was supposed to be only in Boston, go into public schools, only interacting with those people.
And instead I ended up going to a whole other city. And interacting with different groups of people, a different tribe, if you will. And one of the people that I met in high school was very much into channeling very much into all of the readings and the angels and the ascended masters and introduced me quite a bit to that entire world and I know that relationship was a pivotal point for me.
It was one that opened up the doorway that was supposed to be opened up at that point in my time, 14 years old, 16 years old, 18, 23, like going through all of the different points and really setting the foundation for the work that I do today. And so there is that understanding completely my relationship with that one individual was part of my blueprint and part of my soul contract. And I know from just my knowings that she and I had lived other lifetimes together. We came forth to have that experience together and me supporting her in her own blueprint and her supporting me in my own blueprint. And we went forth with that.
So it's an interesting configuration when we come in and we are in that sense of just being like inside of it, like almost in an automatic nature, right? But then we start to lay in those skills where we can start to have the knowings, have the awareness and start to engage with our blueprint on a more dynamic level of mental body, emotional body, physical body, and definitely spirit body.
So when we lean into those feelings, those gut reactions to different situations, like you were saying, that gives us that sense that there is a contract in place, like a sense of knowing. You might not understand what's going on or why sometimes until afterwards, but I guess you just have to have a sense of trust, so when that feeling arises, if you just go with it and trust that it's there in place from your higher self, probably before you were even born.
Then that you should just trust that. I don't know if the word should you can choose to trust it. Some people don't trust it. Some people feel the significance of a contract and it makes them want to bolt, right? They, it feels too big. It feels there might be a worthiness challenge there, right?
That they don't feel worthy of it or they don't feel up to the task. And so there are different types of contracts. So there is. The soulmate contract, which is actually one of the ones that I was just describing. That friend in high school and through those really huge milestones, was a soulmate of mine. You can have soulmate contracts and doesn't mean it needs to be romantic, but it can be that soulmate. -- like we are in this design specifically for lifting you up and lifting me up. Jeanine Jelm one of the founders of the Lightarian Institute was one of my soulmates and there was definitely. an alignment that happened. And when I met her, I was already in a place of building my skills out. So there was a knowing of the importance of that relationship. And she had that same feeling about me. There was that knowing there was that we were leaning into each other. We could feel the importance there. And so it depends on, where you are in your own journey. And then even the type of relationship. So I said that soulmates, they're not necessarily romantic, but then we do have those romantic ones where we've feel all of those connections. I know for me I was having dreams beforehand. I was knowing that there was that relationship coming forward for me. And we were having dreams about each other. Even before I met them in person,. there are those layers that happened. The wovenness of the souls that come together and have that experience. I know for Jeannine and Christopher Jelm, they both had that same experience. Jeannine had dreams about Christopher before she met him.
I hear that a lot by people who meet their lifelong mate, right? There's that pre meeting before the physical meeting. Yeah. So how does all this play into physical ailments? I think most of us understand that emotions reside in the body, right? And if negative emotions stay there too long, it can cause physical disease or disease, but some ailments We're born with, or some things happen like a large, like a life changing accident, like a car accident and it leaves you paralyzed or I don't know, it leaves your body broken in some way. And now for the remainder of your life, you have to deal with this maybe chronic pain or this thing that's now attached to you or that's how it feels. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Very often that will feel like, Oh, this happened for a reason. I have learned from it. So it must be a contract of some sort. Like I put this in my life. on purpose before I was born, something like that.
With something like that, there most likely will be a knowing that this was pre designed and this was purposeful versus free will and a detour that created this experience. So just because something has happened doesn't mean that it was in full alignment with a soul contract, right?
So we just need to be aware of that. We do have that free will component here, but if someone is having that feeling of I have pulled forth this disease or this accident or this physical experience if I have done that there is alignment. There has been stories that I have heard where a person needing to bring together, maybe they have a soul contract with their family, and in this family there is not a lot of exchanges of love anymore there's been too much in fighting too much feeling of generational patterns and when a disruptor comes in, they know they need to go ahead and create cohesiveness create new ways of communicating new ways of operating inside of a collective group consciousness and nothing else is happening.
I know that there have been those in those situations that might even have activated cancer in their body so that it can be a vehicle for others to get outside of their egos to get outside of their patterns and come together with a crisis in mind. So there have been those who are inside that soul contract, and in order to complete their soul contract, they activate something as challenging as cancer, or maybe a car accident, or maybe something else so that there can be a vehicle for that change to take place. Others have created maybe a car accident to be released from their human body and then another soul to come into their human body.
So sometimes there's that moment that happens. And in that situation there is the new soul entering the body that needs to complete all of the contracts that have been in place for that body. So even though their soul is coming in with their own contracts that they want to achieve now in this body, maybe this body is 30 years old and the other spirit was like, okay I need a reset or I've completed what I need to complete and I can release now and be gone. And another spirit comes in needs to complete all of the soul contracts that the previous soul has in place with maybe their spouse, maybe their parents, siblings, coworkers, they need to go ahead and complete with their friends those soul contracts as they're going forth and starting to put in place their own contracts. Why is it so important for us? To have this understanding of soul contracts, Because of that frustration feeling right like there are so many of us that we're living life and we're feeling frustrated and we're just not understanding why that is in place that feeling is in place maybe we are inside of a relationship.
And we are fulfilling all parts of our blueprint. But the other person is on a detour and we're feeling very frustrated. Why isn't this moving forward? And so if we can come into a place of understanding that just like with a. Mortgage company, and the bank loans money, but then the person doesn't pay back the mortgage company, if it was a human would feel very frustrated, right?
Like, why isn't this person engaging in this contract in a way that was set out and designed and agreed upon. And so if we are that Bank and we're standing there and we're doing all that we are needing to do And the other parties are not and we're like very like Even starting to feel angry like what is going on and we're feeling resentful and we're frustrated so this can be helpful because Maybe it's time to renegotiate that contract on a soul level, maybe it's time to be fully aware of what that contract is about so that we can start to hold space so that party can feel more comfortable. Remember I talked about sometimes we bolt, sometimes feel like we're not worthy. Sometimes we've had experiences where our teacher said something that really jolted us and put in a program that now we are going uphill and feeling like we have a bag of boulders on our back, right?
And so that might not have been part of The original blueprint we have free will we have detours that we take. And so now as we're going into our blueprint, and we're inside that pocket of where we are. now interacting with that individual. But because we had that detour 10, 15 years ago, and that added extra onto our experience. Now we are needing to get rid of that bag of boulders. And if we are the other party, and we're feeling frustrated and angry and resentful, that why isn't this playing out the way it's supposed to maybe we can be in a place of compassion, maybe we can hold space for that person so that bag of boulders can be released and now, this outcome can be fulfilled with this individual.
How can we gain a deeper understanding of these contracts. Cause it sounds like in order to have compassion sometimes and not feel that resentment, understanding that contract, what it was for, what was it designed for? What is the why behind it?
That could help a lot in helping gain compassion. So how do we find that?
Holding that love and light space, holding that sacred container offering spiritual grace to others. And then even yourself, as you're going through that feeling angry, resentful giving yourself that spiritual grace as you're interacting with this other person or people with the group consciousness. I think sometimes we're not going to know that we're inside of a soul contract until we're actually through it. Most people are not going to know. So this is where we offer that offering compassion, offering spiritual grace to ourselves and others is always a good way to move forward in day-to-day life, right?
And so if you go back to what I said sometimes it's important to renegotiate a contract. And even in that renegotiation of the contract the other parties might start to wake up to what the original contract was. So there's those moments that happen as well, where we might be saying, okay, we've been friends for 20 years and this is no longer working so I'm going to, release you with love. And that other person, if that is not a match, and maybe they still have so much more that they know that they need to fulfill with you, that might be a wake up call. And with others that might be, yeah, that feels right. Like we'll part ways now and then we'll come back later when I've gone through the process of letting go of that bag of boulders.
So are you renegotiating on an energetic level? Is this what you do first? Or are you, how do you manage that? How do you navigate that? I always do it on an energetic level to begin with. That's how I always do it. I find that is the one that offers the most spiritual grace. For me, I will go into a meditation I might journal I, if I'm journaling I'm letting go of all of my feelings I'll type out because for me I type it out versus writing it, I'll type out all of my feelings I'll get to a place of My own knowing my own my own acknowledgement of what it is that I am needing from the blueprint from the contract.
And then I will offer that to the energetic self of the other person and start the conversation. So for me, I'm going to their higher self. This is where I'm at. This is how I'm feeling. I'm feeling frustrated because I offered you a bank loan and you haven't been making your payments.
And I really would love to have some type of conversation at least about, those payments that are supposed to be made. And of course I'm doing this all symbolically. When I do something like that, what is the outcome that I'm expecting or hoping or anticipating?
I'm not anticipating for any of it. I am just putting it out there. And then many times what I end up seeing is the other party will give an indication. Maybe they've been tapped by their higher self and feel inspired to take action. And with that, I might see an email come in out of the blue, or I might see some movement toward what it is that hasn't been happening and needs to happen.
Or It could be that parties go their separate ways and that is the highest and greatest for the moment and that a coming together happens in the future for the completion of those soul contracts.
So I'm wondering how do past lives factor into our current soul contracts.
So we have karmic soul contracts and with the past lives that we've experienced, maybe we completed our lifetime in a human body, but did not satisfy and fulfill a soul contract, or maybe we created through that free will part of our experience, more disruption that created more to complete in a future. human body. So as we leave our human body, we do a process of review of what our life has been and what did we complete and what did we leave open? So there's a reconciliation that happens when we leave our body. So when I've had family members or loved ones pass over, I can Almost feel them going through that reconciliation process before they move forward in their next segment of what they're doing as their spirit self.
And that reconciliation period, there are boxes being checked. And then there are open items that still need to be completed that go into a new column for what comes next. In their next lifetime, they may choose to take all of those items and fulfill them in that lifetime. They may choose to take a couple of them so it depends on which human body they're going into and what part of the world and what their experience is going to be and who they're interacting with. Maybe there's a Couple of soul tribes that they are a part of and in one of their lives, they were part of one tribe and that left a few of those open ended items on their future reconciliation statements that still need to be checked off.
And when they go into another lifetime, they're with a different soul group. So then they assess. Can I achieve that with this soul group? Is that something that makes sense for this new lifetime I'm going into? Or do I just leave it there to complete another way, another time? So that's all part of it.
And then once they are inside of their new next lifetime, there is that configuration of Those people that come forth, like I had said with my friend that I went to high school with that was a soul contract that was preexisting before I even came into my earth body. And there were many lifetimes that I've had experiences with her.
So there are those connections that happen. And at different points. As an individual, maybe we get the hang of this. Maybe we don't. Over time we learn how to not do those free will detours. And we start to do those free will checking off those boxes. And we're moving along really well. I can totally take in more.
So there can be that soul connection where even though originally you were thinking that you could only achieve maybe. Three of those items from your list. You're like, you know what? I've already completed it. And let's go ahead and bring in more. And I'm going to advance myself forth and my reconciliation of that.
So with the past life experiences, there's a couple of layers there. There are the people that we're interacting with, or even the souls that we're interacting with. Maybe some of those souls are guides instead of being in human form, and they're helping us as we are navigating our human self experience here.
And then there are those contracts that need to be completed. Maybe there's that. Parent that was a child to you in a previous lifetime. And you missed the boat on how you parented them and now they're parenting you and you're having that opportunity to have that different relationship and complete whatever needed to be completed in that relationship. And in the new configuration things can open up just because of that new dynamic and the roles.
And for those of us who, like myself, have many. Many boxes to check off because I think I just layered it on thick in this lifetime So for those of us who are struggling with some of these soul contracts, do you have any advice to make it a little smoother and get through them and check off those boxes without all the detours and not without all the resistance Yeah, maybe a do it in bite sizes. Maybe there's the personality that comes in and says, I'm going to do it all. I'm going to get it all done. And of course we have free will.
I would suggest, do it in chunks. Do it in bite sizes and check off those boxes little by little and give yourself a break and lean into pleasure and lean into feeling happiness because that's going to create those harmonious alignments so that it becomes easier work versus Oh my , I'm so overwhelmed.
I'm so frustrated. I'm so upset. I don't even know how to do this. Nobody's playing nice. I'm butting up against everyone and it's just not happening. And all of those are signs of being out of balance within your self. So come back in and get into that place of oneness inside of yourself.
My students hear me say all the time that I love the character Olaf. I've been talking about it for a number of years where instead of a flurry of snow coming down over your head, you have a stream of divine light that comes down at all times at all points of your story so that there can be that momentum of alignment, that momentum of releasing imbalances releasing what does not serve so that you can be in that place of ease as you're checking off your boxes.
So maybe instead of having 10 of those boxes on your plate at this point in time, you decide, You got to do three, you got to release those. You'll do the next three. You'll release those instead of feeling overwhelmed. You're now feeling like your accomplishment of releases is giving you momentum going forward.
So doing this at a conscious level, it sounds like you need to set an intention that let's not work on all of this at once. Yeah. Let's slow this down a little bit on chunks conscious intention that you are telling to your higher self. Exactly. Yeah. This human experience can be one that involves pleasure, involves beauty, involves harmony, so the conscious self gives the higher self that feedback life is a little bit hard and I need a pocket of time where I'm experiencing happiness.
So that doesn't mean if you're filing bankruptcy and you have so much debt that debt falls away. It just means that a friend might call and say, Hey, I got tickets to the show. Do you want to go with me? And you get to go out to a show for free because you're, you've been an invited guest to enjoy something that gives you a moment of harmony, a moment of pleasure.
Respite from that stress. Yes. Of what you said about that. So when you take these moments of respite that puts you back in alignment. And then when you're in that alignment of joy and peace. That's when synchronicities can start happening again, right? And then the ball can start rolling again.
And you can start working on those challenges that you have put in your life on purpose as a contract. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Exactly. So when we're in those places of alignment and things are moving forward, do it in small bites, get them done just a little bit at a time and allow for that momentum to open up those relationships.
And if you have that relationship that you're feeling super frustrated about and you know that things are not moving forward. offer that spiritual grace, that compassion, and then also make a decision about whether or not that soul contract needs to be parked to the side while you deal with other things or if it needs to be renegotiated completely, or if it's one that needs to be put back on that reconciliation list for another time another life altogether. Awesome. Yeah. The most interesting things I've learned in this life is how this works with the higher self. So I see free will as two different parts.
There's free will of that higher self who lays out this blueprint. And is so excited and is coming from this perspective of limitless possibility and joy and just excitement about what is to come and all that is to be learned and gained in this upcoming life. And that part of me I can feel is just so gung ho.
And when I'm here, and things get really hard, because I layered on so much, that other part, now I have free will as a human. So first was free will, creating this big plan, this beautiful, complex plan, full of lessons, wonderful, valuable lessons that I want to learn. But when I am in the thick of it, the other free will kicks in and I just, I get stubborn.
And I don't want to do this and so that has been so interesting, to understand free will from two different points of view and once of you are me, the higher and then the me that is consciously involved in this human life. It's just fascinating and it's hard, but it's beautiful. It's just full of contradictions.
Yeah, it is beautiful.
Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. Homework coming into your heart center and then journaling. Journal about some of your relationships that are hard right now and invite your inner wisdom to have a conversation with you about that relationship and see what comes out and allow for that inner wisdom to have its voice, because that's where you'll have so much transformation. Yeah. Thank you. All right. Until next time. Bye.