Ep. 008 - The Soul's Blueprint: Understanding Soul Contracts Part 2

Soul Contracts Part 2

In this second part of the discussion on soul contracts, Peggy Zeramby with Kathleen Garrett delve deeper into the profound subject that impacts our human experience. They explore the agreements we make at a soul level before we enter the human form with our energetic tribe, and how these agreements impact our lives.

Key Points Soul Contracts: These are agreements we make at a soul level before we enter the human form. They determine what we want to complete in this earth experience and who we want to do it with.

Free Will: Free will can throw us into detours or add stuff that we need to reconcile before we can fully complete our soul contract. We can even renegotiate these contracts.

Twin Flames: Twin flames are a type of soul contract that is often romanticized. However, a twin flame relationship can be intense, challenging, and designed to lead to personal transformation. It can also be with a sibling, friend, or business partner, not just a romantic partner.

Soulmate Contracts: These are often the harmonious life partner type contracts that people seek. They complement and lift each other, partnering to go through personal transformation together.

Breaking Soul Contracts: If a soul contract is no longer serving you, it's possible to break it and move forward. This can be done by understanding why you're in the relationship and if it's still offering what it was supposed to.

Energy Healing: Energy healing can help us understand or fulfill our soul contracts better. It can profoundly impact our relationships and help us show up differently in our lives.

Programming: We have energetic programs inside of us that we can activate or not activate. These can create a storyline for certain outcomes to happen or create a platform for us to engage in releasing programming and releasing ailments.

Reach out with any questions!  Peggy Zeramby [email protected]