Now tell me, is this you? You have identified your quest for spiritual happiness, but the mind/spirit connection is not yet aligned and creates frustration. Although you may be meditating,...

My name is Peggy Zeramby. I began my career in the early 90’s. Oh, the energies globally have changed profoundly in these last 30 years. I am so excited to be here with you to delve...

Have you ever asked yourself What is my life purpose? If so, you are not alone. And to answer that question, we need to talk about Higher Self programming, birth programming and societal...
It is a question we often discuss. I receive many questions about what age is appropriate or will a certain attunement be too powerful? Can a child withstand the energetic shifts that come from the...
Lightarian attunements: What are they? What do you do with them?
The Lightarian programs are attunement-based. So, what does that mean, and how do you get the most from your Lightarian attunements?...
There are no coincidences. Did you feel that "pull"? Felt "inspired" to do a search and found us? If so, you are here for a reason and we are honored to support you on your accelerated spiritual journey.
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